We love to say, Yes!

Atlanta mom of three and Founder of Cake for Dinner, Chambless Kalka has tween and teen daughters who love a cute outfit and know exactly where to click for it. But, so many of the brands our girls covet today are either insanely priced, ill-fitted for their still-growing bodies, or falling apart after a few washes. Chambless decided to solve her own problem and – despite having zero experience in fashion, manufacturing or design – figure out how to design her daughter's clothes herself. She called Savannah College of Art & Design, was connected to alum Mallory Atkins, and together they created Cake For Dinner, a beautiful collection moms can say YES to, empowering young women to be fearless and fashionable. Chambless and Mallory work with her daughter Claire and a team of young women to create each collection and garment. She also uses Cake For Dinner as an opportunity to foster the entrepreneurial spirit of these young women, teaching them not just about fashion, but business and professionalism. Click here to see their latest collections.


Name and Logo Creation


Brand Guidelines


Client Activation